Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Drug and Alcohol Rehab

!: Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Rehabilitation from drug addiction is a complex process. It involves commitment from the individual addict to abstain from further drug use. The physical dependence on the drug needs to be overcome through medical intervention. Medical supervision is essential to safely detoxify an addicted individual. Safety is an issue since sudden withdrawal of a drug will lead to very profound physiological changes that can be very uncomfortable and can sometimes be life threatening. The range of drugs abused is wide but general principles apply to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

After the medical detoxification process, which is often in an inpatient setting, a program to continue the rehab process as an outpatient is essential. Sometimes replacement drugs are needed such as methadone maintenance programs where patients are given methadone to replace the heroin that is abused. The methadone helps prevent the euphoria and at the same time decreases the craving that is central to addiction. A typical dose that may work is 30-60 milligrams of methadone daily but this is variable and depends on the intensity of addiction among other factors. Alcohol rehab often involves an acute hospital based detoxification where a thorough medical assessment is done and then drugs belonging to the class called benzodiazepines are given to prevent withdrawal. Medical issues are often the main reason an addict enters a treatment entry point.

After this acute phase an outpatient 12 step program such as Alcoholics Anonymous is critical to maintain abstinence. Many patients who are addicted to drugs have co-morbid psychiatric conditions like depression that need to be addressed. Others have HIV/AIDS, which also need to be managed if a lasting solution is needed. Many rehab programs are covered by insurance and charity. They also have social workers who will help with the practical aspects of getting back to a productive life.

Above all, the commitment of the individuals working in the program helps sustain and develop faith and trust in the system since addicts are often marginalized members of society.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Being Materialistic

!: Being Materialistic

Why are some people more materialistic than others? What is it about owning certain things that causes some of us to act the way we do? Take the modern-day wedding for example. Lately, I've found myself watching this show called Bridezillas. It is a show in which a camera follows around these brides-to-be as they make all of the necessary preparations for their big wedding day. However, most of these women seem to have lost focus of what weddings are all about. It is easy, in this day and age to get caught up in all of the glitz and glamour that often accompanies big events such as weddings. What is the first thing that usually happens when you become engaged? Your friends will often ask you about the engagement ring? Watch out if you don't follow the traditions of having an engagement ring!

The next question will usually be something along the lines of how he proposed to you as well as perhaps where the ring was purchased, how much it costs and then of course when you're planning on getting married. Weddings are supposed to celebrate the public union of two people who swear to support each other for the rest of their lives. But nowadays it seems that all it's about is how expensive the engagement ring is as well as how fancy the venue will be. What about the love? Love, as it turns out, is so passe! Wedding are only one example of where people go a little crazy with the materialism. There are plenty of other areas in people's lives where they can go crazy. For instance, take the recent economic crisis. All of these people wanted to buy homes. There's nothing wrong with purchasing a home for the first time. The problem arises when people try to purchase beyond their means. Everyone has to have the biggest and the best looking house in the nicest neighborhood. However, the reality of the situation is that many first-time-home buyers cannot afford their dream house just yet. In the meantime, however, they can still find a nice home for their money and make it their own. Materialism seems to beget greed and vice versa.

When we are greedy, we don't make wise decisions. We need to reign back a little and re-think certain situations before whipping out our credit cards. I am all too sure that the credit card agencies love it whenever they sign someone else up for a credit card because they know (or at least they think they do) that sooner or later that person will have to use their credit card. It all seems to be a matter of self control. Instead of being materialistic in thinking that you absolutely need to have something, why not ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Can I really afford it?" It might just save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Trust me, it's better to be realistic versus materialistic!

Being Materialistic

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

90 Day Rehab Facilities Offer You the Best Chance

!: 90 Day Rehab Facilities Offer You the Best Chance

It is really a long and challenging road when one decides to tackle an addiction. There are a lot of people who know that while on the route to becoming sober just one slip on their path wastes all previous hard work and effort.

Basically, anything that causes an undying craving within a person can negatively affect one's way of life; which include addiction to alcohol, drugs or such things as gambling. Therefore, it is important to fully rid yourself of these underlying issues; which is one of the hardest things to perform. If you or a family member have a dependency that are in the throes, you need to explore the many different types of therapy and rehab strategies not just in your town, but throughout the US. Perhaps the traditional 28-day, twelve step process that AA made famous has been tried by you. However, if you are one of countless individuals who have failed in your quest to rid yourself of the enormous monkey on your or your loved one's back, you should consider looking for the most effective way for resolution. Nowadays, you can find a variety of long-term / 90 day rehab centers. The popularity of ninety day rehab programs is founded on the need of effective rehabilitation that allocates an appropriate amount of time needed to properly break the cycle of a drug or alcohol addiction.

You can find a lot of different practices to set ninety day rehab centers apart from traditional ones. The most apparent, of course, is that the period of 90 day rehabs is well, a lot longer than the traditional twenty-eight day programs. This is the reason why support is given for a longer period of time to the patient so they can better adjust to their new condition and patterns; and not just be let go following a month or so of some form of "therapy." Ninety day rehabilitation programs help to avoid relapse issues by using lengthy intensive treatment protocols and life course to help the individual better understand how to cope with the daily grind of life after returning back into society.

These strategies tend to also not contain the demand to adhere to or believe in a specific omniscient being or religious figure. This means that no matter your faith or belief system, anyone suffering can find help and not be excluded as in the case of traditional 12 step programs (whereas it requires addicts to modify their beliefs, thus turning many off). From this non-religious long-term program, the focus is much more with the biological and psychological roots of the addiction together with techniques on how to cure the situation from these viewpoints.

90 Day Rehab Facilities Offer You the Best Chance

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GLBT Free Drug Rehab - How to Find One

!: GLBT Free Drug Rehab - How to Find One

For those of us searching for drug rehab without insurance, and without the means to finance our own stay at drug rehab, it can be tough to know where to turn. When you narrow further the selection criteria by searching for a free GLBT drug rehab, it can seem down right impossible to find anywhere to go.

So maybe you shouldn't?

There are over 2000 free or nearly free drug and alcohol rehabs in operation in this country. Rehabs that exist as non profit or charity entities, and that care more about getting you better than about how much money you do or do not have. A small number of these will have GLBT specific programming, the vast majority do not.

Consider a tolerant but mixed facility

Thankfully, clinical studies have shown that GLBT addicts and alcoholics seem to do just about as well in conventional and mixed sexuality facilities, provided that their unique concerns are acknowledged and dealt with, and that they are treated with respect and compassion by both the staff and the other patients within.

GLBT addicts in recovery report appreciating having issues of sexuality and the influence of sexuality on addiction overtly covered in both individual and group therapy sessions, and also report appreciating having counselors raise these issues first. Our sexuality and life experiences do influence our use and our recovery, and it is important to address such central life experiences in the recovery process.

A question of your own comfort level

As long as a drug or alcohol rehabs operates from a philosophical framework of mandated and enforced respect for diversity, then these in recovery should have few problems recovering within a mixed sexuality facility. Of course honesty and openness in the therapeutic process is completely necessary for progress on our personal issues, so if you feel you cannot open up outside of a GLBT community of addicts in recovery, then you are unlikely to get much from a mixed sexuality facility.

Basically, it's up to you. If you feel that you are comfortable discussing your personal life and issues with others of a different sexuality, then as long as the treatment facility enforces tolerance to all, then you should do great. And if you feel that you can, then there are thousands of free drug and alcohol rehabs available to you, in every corner of the nation!

You will need to ensure that any facility under consideration will treat you with respect and compassion, and you should inquire as to policies and realities of tolerance before entering into a stay at any drug or alcohol treatment enter. You can get better, and you can find a facility to in which to heal, even if you lack insurance and savings. You just need to decide what you're comfortable with first.

GLBT Free Drug Rehab - How to Find One

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